iinv mac
iinv mac

IINA1.3.5nowrequiresmacOS10.13HighSierra.Duetothebumpedsystemrequirementofmpv,startingwiththenextmajorrelease,IINAwillrequiremacOS ...,Features·Basedonmpv,whichprovidesthebestdecodingcapacityonmacOS·DesignedwithmodernversionsofmacOS(10.15+)inmind...


IINA·ForandonlyformodernmacOS.·Playsanything.·Free,opensource,inactivedevelopment.WrittenintheSwiftprogramminglanguage ...

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Releases · iinaiina

IINA 1.3.5 now requires macOS 10.13 High Sierra. Due to the bumped system requirement of mpv, starting with the next major release, IINA will require macOS ...


Features · Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity on macOS · Designed with modern versions of macOS (10.15+) in mind · All the features you ...

IINA for Mac

2023年7月11日 — IINA is a video player software developed and designed for use on macOS systems. Different from other video players, IINA offers users the ...

IINA 1.3.0

IINA 1.3.0. (Update: Build 132 fixed Safari Plugin not working.) New. Added HDR support for M1 Pro/Max Macbook 14/16 (#3526); Added updating of Date last ...


IINA · For and only for modern macOS. · Plays anything. · Free, open source, in active development. Written in the Swift programming language ...

Download | IINA

You can open various online media in IINA directly from web browsers by using our browser extensions. The Safari App Extension is already included in the IINA ...

IINA 免費功能強大的Mac 影音播放器功能技巧介紹

IINA 對於一般常見的影音格式例如MP4、MPEG、MOV、AVI等都能支援,甚至連最新次世代壓縮技術H265和H264的高達4K高清高畫質影片,只要顯卡可以硬解和Mac 電腦跑得動當然都是 ...

[軟體] 有推薦IINA以外的播放器嗎? - 看板MAC

2024年3月28日 — 一直以來都用IINA在播放影片播放影片都會突然LAG一下之前使用2019的macbook pro最基本款一直以為是電腦性能不足但是換了新電腦14吋的M3 PRO還是一樣的 ...

IINA for Mac v1.3.5 官方中文免费版视频播放器

2024年5月4日 — IINA mac版,是一款视频播放器,可以加载本地文件或提供视频URL,IINA mac可以使用所有流行的媒体格式。而且您可以快速更改界面主题,调整默认行为和 ...


IINA1.3.5nowrequiresmacOS10.13HighSierra.Duetothebumpedsystemrequirementofmpv,startingwiththenextmajorrelease,IINAwillrequiremacOS ...,Features·Basedonmpv,whichprovidesthebestdecodingcapacityonmacOS·DesignedwithmodernversionsofmacOS(10.15+)inmind·Allthefeaturesyou ...,2023年7月11日—IINAisavideoplayersoftwaredevelopedanddesignedforuseonmacOSsystems.Differentfromothervideoplayers,IINAoffersusers...

MPlayer WW r37356 - MPlayer WW編譯版

MPlayer WW r37356 - MPlayer WW編譯版


Windows MPlayer 38152

Windows MPlayer 38152
